Turn to Us for Luxury and Quality Watches
I applaud your interest in Genre and your taste. These design patented luxury wristwatches are a woman’s accessory like no other. One company will secure exclusive rights to the sale and possible manufacture of this classic.
Those seriously interested in a new product success please email [email protected] or call (949) 246-7099 and leave a message and your callback number.
Prototypes shown above are 18 carat gold.
We’d Love To Hear From You
Reach out to us today for questions or concerns about our excellent watches. We are always ready to provide you with the answers you need.
DISCLAIMER: My new product submission is on a non-solicited and non-confidential basis and review of my submission does not obligate you in any way. If your firm requires that I sign your nondisclosure form before you review the product, please forward the document and I shall sign and return. Any claim that I may have will be based on patents that I now hold or will obtain on my product.